Sunday, September 11, 2011

Shawna Murray's response to Metaphors on Vision and Kino Eye

Metaphors on Vision:
It's interesting how he speaks of imagining a world before what we knew and what we can see, or in his terms, before "beginning was the Word", because in reality, we can't imagine it, or at least I firmly believe that since I feel as if our minds our only a piece of what God's imagination truly is. His imagination is no comparison with ours. We can only imagine what He has let us imagine with our minds to explore. It was also quite interesting how he turned the subject into involving the moving image since our culture this day and age has created "a new language" in a sense to view things with our eyes instead of with our eyes in our own imagination.

Kino Eye:
Being a projectionist, this gives me an interesting viewpoint on how the recording of the camera could easily be viewed. To be honest, I found this article a bit more interesting then the first due to the fact of the "kino eye's" mysteriousness and how its original qualities are viewed by Dziga Vertov and I can easily understand how he can define the "kino eye" as the viewer sees a motion picture or a home video even and how each view is so called "perfect". I did find it kind of strange that when the "kino eye" was referring to certain things such as "I create a man more perfect then Adam." That phrase seemed a bit too far-fetched for me. The first man to ever walk the Earth that God created and the "kino eye" says it made a man greater? I get the terminology or metaphor being used but it seemed a bit strange that this article referred to the "kino eye" as creating something incredibly spectacular such as Adam with ease.

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