Sunday, September 25, 2011

Scorpion King Dumbell's Christmas Ham

This was saying a lot. "just as the entire mode of existence of human collectives changes over long historical periods, so too does their mode of perception." There are a lot of good quotes that I had to stop and dwell on. It is going to take technology a long time to come up with the equation that explains why man needs and makes art.
"A man climbs a mountain because it is there. An artist makes a work of art because it is not there." -Carl Andre.
How long will authenticity be important when technology builds on it self fast enough to prove most "important things" not so important in the wake of the new adoption of ideas. just like the readings said, inventions progress exponentially; each idea leads to more advanced and revised ideas, and all this information is building and the woodcut was yesterdays lithograph, which was yesterdays camera lens, which was yesterdays mind reading satellite. Everything will be tested by time, and art is getting really funny! look at this little car pushing around the chairs!

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