Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Further; Delayed Response to Metaphors on Vision

I have said for years that color is my favorite thing in this universe, (so far.) Growing up my parents were very spiritual, and from this I remember them telling me what heaven is supposed to be like, and the one thing that interested me the most was that there are colors we have never seen before. I am extremely interested in tapping into other realms and finding things I have not seen before, dreams are a great way to do this. This class is going along great with another class I have called The Supernatural: Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion, things are getting real weird around here for sure. Metaphors on Vision is so beautiful, it words things so powerfully. But the whole time I am reading it, I keep thinking about what it would be like if you were blind. The infant would still have a 'vision', just in a completely different way. When it says "... and it is an age which lives in fear and total annihilation." I can't help but to think that we are too comfortable. Going from talking about our "current times" juxtaposed with the mention of cave paintings, I can't help but to think that we have culturally created a cocoon for ourselves. That is why I try to go camping as much as I can afford to, to remind me that this is temporary and that what is most important today, has been here all along. It sounds as if Metaphors on Vision was written after a profound hallucinogenic journey.

This is a good web site for new media nonsense. http://kottke.org/tag/remix

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