Saturday, September 17, 2011

Metaphors of Vision and Kino-eye

Metaphors of Vision places great importance of what the human eye sees.
Brakhage writes, “Elimination of all fear is in sight –which mist be aimed for.” He‘s saying that through sight we gain knowledge and understanding, therefore there’s no fear of the unknown. Brakhage writes, “Imagine a world before the ‘beginning was the word.”  The reader is trying to get the audience to try and imagine things by not classifying and generalizing which is a hard thing to do. 

I think the The Kino-eye counters that and suggest that humans are imperfect and this manmade creation: the camera, is a perfect tool that capture reality better than the human can see it. When I first began reading the Kino-eye, I agreed with the writer and what he was saying made since to me. However when Vertov says, “I am the kino-eye, I create a man more perfect than Adam,” I immediately took this as arrogance and didn’t want to listen anymore.  I then realized that he was speaking in the voice of the camera and was less offended but still question people’s want for perfectness. Is it silly of me to think that because I know nothing is absolutely perfect, so why strive for it? I find it unsettling, some people’s desire for “perfection”.  There is beauty in what is natural.

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