Monday, October 17, 2011

Reich, Trecartin

I'd figure most others don't have this issue as bad as I do but most of the readings this year have been diffucult to get through (because of a combination of my low attention span, the conceptual and theoretical topics, and the tone the articles are written). However this was easy to fallow and engaging. Though I have never really been interested in music, writing music or the processes, I found this guy interesting. I could understand what sounds and feelings he was describing when talking about the loops and music running down the sides of his body through the headphones. I liked how he kept switching back and forth from absolutely no tech to a tech based song the next year. I understand after using a computer for too long you want a break, I have done the same thing several times.

Wow, after reading what the article has to say about Trecartin I can see him now more than ever as an artist, as well as even more crazy. It seems to me that the art really is the creation of the videos, before they are filmed and are still on paper. Trecartin uses language as if it was the art material, splattering it in to stratigized shapes in what looks like to every one else as chaotic accidents. To me it seems like "its not he destination, but the journey" for Trecartin. But now that I think back to the first video we watched the Koreas did all speak in a way that if written out would look like “Yaw,,,,,,”, or “IT is not |You|,,, IT IS WE!” Trecartin is a artist/poet of modern times using what new media he has to work with. Though I'm not crazy about the videos I have seen, with explanation I appreciate them differently.

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