Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Death of the Author

What I took from this article is that the author is dead because after he is done writing it no longer matters what he believes about the he has written. To me, it’s like artist and there artwork. Once a piece is done, it’s no longer theirs. It’s now public domain for an audience to critique, explore or take what they want from it and analyze it in there own way. He writes, “Author is supposed to feed the book — that is, he pre-exists it, thinks, suffers, lives for it; he maintains with his work the same relation of antecedence a father maintains with his child.” Like a child that grows up and becomes his own person, art and books have the ability to grow and become something bigger than what they once were through captivation of and audience and how they receive the work. The question is do you as the artist/author care what the audience thinks and if so why?

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