Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

expanded cinema performances

NoiseFold - from a distance from David Stout on Vimeo.

Response to "as we may think"

"Knowledge evolves and endures for the life of a race but not an individual" goes along with the author's thoughts about research analysis. Scientists spend so much time writing and book-keeping with their cures and thoughts, that during the same time they could have actually been helping someone. Because of the fixation with recording everything, the ill person is never helped. The society as a whole is helped, eventually reading these recordings and learning from them, but that is long after the people who were being written about are gone. The author mentions that this is to be expected when we live in a world of "cheap complex devices that are reliable," so it seems like he is almost against technology in a way? Maybe I misinterpreted his words. Like when he references the stenotype and how words are recorded in short little phrases and then afterwards turned into actual speech/story, but why not make a language to begin with, that easily follows such a recording device (or vice versa) ?

I like when he says "for mature thought there is no mechanical substitute," which always makes me think he has a problem with our dependence on  technology. Scientists can always make machines and devices to make things easier, that may even be able to get a lot of work done without the aid of a human being; but you need that human being, with mature thought and intellect, if you really want to accomplish something.


Maybe it's because I read both of these within the same hour, but this just hurt my brain and I didn't have much patience to keep re-reading to finally get it. I understand the main point, and it's definitely interesting to break down media into "hot" or "cold." Hot medium, like the radio, heavily focuses on one sense, while cold is includes a few more, like TV. What I dont get is how a movie is hot, but TV is cold. Or radio is hot, but telephone is cold. The telephone only relies one sense as well as the radio..your hearing. I personally don't see the difference. Or a movie and TV? Both require both visual and oral. I can't decide whether I consider speech to be "low" definition or not, either. I mean a friend can tell you a story about their weekend and you can follow every little bit without the aid of anything but your eyes and ears. But I guess hearing something and seeing the person speaking wouldn't stick in your head as much as having those senses, along with, say, writing it down. Is that why he thinks it's low definition then? Because an un-recorded speech isn't as long lasting or informative?  Either way though I appreciate the unique way of describing media...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Response to Media Hot and Cold

I do agree with the Hot medium and Cold medium. It is saying that a Hot medium is a high definition while Cold is a low definition. Also, the examples like the telephone or a speech would give less information while the radio and a movie would give more information. I also agree that th Hot media would give low participation while Cold media would give high participation. An examle would be a radio to a telephone.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

A list of some basic HTML tags

Hey guys, so we'll be going over Dreamweaver on Monday, but here is a link to a site with a list of basic html tags. While Dreamweaver will give us a (relatively) user-friendly interface that builds the code for us, it's good to have a basic idea of what code it might be constructing and what results they have when the browser reads them. So just take a quick look at this, and you can also refer back to it later if needed:

Reponse to "As We May Think"

When I was reading this article, it didn't get my attention in any way. In the beginning of the article, it talks about biologists and physicists leaving their old ways and into something dangerous. The person who wrote this article is leading a few thousand from the application of science to warfare. I think each profession would have it's changes and change from something that is similar to something that is not. Science also found some new ways to communicate and to make things much easier.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Useful Web Tool

Found this toolbar as part of my crazy search engine job, but it could be really useful for this project. This toolbar allows you to do lots of things with existing websites but most importantly it will display all java, css and html code. This allows you wise sirs to copy and past styles and codes of websites you like. Enjoy watching the codes...

Code Watching

Monday, November 7, 2011


Musicality and elsewhere...

purerer data
dental floss in case you get all that data stuck in your teethies
physical computing basic tutorials
flex sensor
A very good site... cloth + electronics + magic

Toward Project 3...

Hi everyone,

While I'm sorry that the critiques for Project 2 have been going long, I'm so pleased with the work you guys are producing. I hope you've all documented your pieces for the portfolio review. If not, I recommend re-staging them outside of class time if you need photos or videos. If you don't have a decent still camera, we do have some Nikons in the cage...

Here is the working description I've been using for project 3:

Project 3 – Web/Imaging
You will build a webpage that can serve as the basis for a critical art project. This can take the form of a public performance (considering virtual space as a kind of public space), an interactive project inviting participants, an image based narrative, or some other imaginative re-contextualization of the “home page” you propose.

Within this description, you can build your own webpage using dreamweaver, or use some online wiziwig (a template kind of like wordpress, blogger, myspace, etc...). Furthermore, I'm willing to expand the parameters from building your own webpage to staging some kind of performance or intervention within an existing web framework such as ebay, facebook, amazon, etc. Below are some examples of work that might fit these parameters:

I Sorry I Havn’t Posted – by Cory Arcangel
"A new reblog I started which re-posts posts of people apologizing for not posting. Tag line: “Inspiring Apologies From Today’s World Wide Web”. Sounds kinda dumb, but I sift through about 50 of these posts a day, … there are some really touching ones out there. Enjoy!"

Working At Youtube by Cory Arcangel

Punk Rock 101 by Cory Arcangel

Wikipedia Art by Nathaniel Stern

Animated GIFs by Jon Cates

Time As Money by Shane Mecklenburger

You're Not My Father by Paul Slocum

I can think of a few more, but we'll start with these. If some of you have some you would like to take a look at in class, or that you would like to post for others to see here, please do so.

As far as demos toward this project, we will do a quick overview of HTML and dreamweaver, and a basic intro/refresher to photoshop for various applications. If there are other things you would like to cover, please bring this up in class as well and feel free to post here with any questions.
